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Nettoyage des fenêtres du bâtiment

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Our services

Nettoyage des couloirs


Residential Cleaning

Maid or cleaning man service

-Meticulous cleaning of all surfaces.

-Vacuuming and washing floors for sparkling cleanliness.

-Complete disinfection of spaces for a healthy environment.



Commercial Cleaning

Cleaning service for Offices, Gym, Daycares etc...

-Dust and careful wiping of surfaces.

-Emptying trash and recycling.

-Vacuuming and cleaning floors and surfaces for a clean atmosphere.



Carpets Cleaning

Carpet or rug cleaning service

-Deep suction to remove deep dirt.

-Shampoo to revive the colors and freshness of the carpet.

-Removal of stubborn and tough stains for a flawless appearance.


Les fournitures de nettoyage


Cleaning Couches

Cleaning service for couches or sofas....

-Deep suction to remove dust and debris.

-Meticulous cleaning of visible stains and dirt.

anti-stain treatment to protect and preserve the sofaand sofas.



Cleaning Windows

Residential and Commercial Window Cleaning Service

-Cleaning interior and exterior windows.

-Elimination of traces and fingerprints.

Steam cleaning of frames for a perfect finish.



Cleaning After     Construction

Post construction and renovation cleaning service.

-Elimination of construction residues, such as debris and dust.

-Deep cleaning of surfaces to remove paint and plaster stains.

-Floor cleaning.


Passe l'aspirateur


Interior cleaning

Cleaning service for fabric or leather car seats and carpets.

-Careful vacuuming of car seats and carpets.

-Deep shampoo to eliminate stains and odors.

-Brushing fabrics for sparkling cleanliness.

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